A quick post showing a few of the many photographs we took in New York. What an amazing city - it has certainly changed since my last visit but that was around 20 odd years ago.
Meanwhile, since my return life's been a bit of a whirlwind. Rushed up to the north of England to see my daughter before her exams and then back home via an evening in London. There I had the pleasure of a wonderful meeting with not only one but two of my favourite bloggers together. Susan (Deja Pseu) of 'Une Femme d'un certain age' AND Alyson from 'That's Not My Age'. I know, how completely lucky was I ? Both fantastic, interesting and gorgeous women.
And if life couldn't get any better I am off for a day and a night tomorrow to Paris! Will let you know all about that later on.
Above - Mr NT on The High Line - showing some scarf action
Me in my (NBP) - new best park. Bryant Park
9/11 beautiful tribute park.
Favourite building. The Chrysler.
This was too good for words. A million calories a slice
Gardens at the Frick.
And lastly my NBP. Again.
Dear New York. I want to return already.